The figures released by Bush aides today addressed a weakness in earlier calculations.
We dismissed her from our early calculations, completely underestimating her possibilities.
The plan's intricacy has not kept industry experts from making some early calculations about who wins and who loses.
What units of measurement did the early astronomers use to make those early calculations?
Any other info of early calculations (after Aristarchus) and who did them would be appreciated.
Though early calculations gave conflicting results, more recent studies and calculations confirm the suggestion.
The report said the gross national product expanded at an annual rate of 4.8 percent, up from an earlier calculation of 4.4 percent.
In contrast, earlier calculations have estimated that $30 billion a year could be saved by making contractors perform more effectively.
From early calculations, the astronomers reported that the planet was traveling a circular orbit around the star once every 3.523 days.
He hadn't factored them into his earlier calculations.