Many countries repeated earlier condemnations of the Noriega regime, one of the last military dictatorships in Latin America.
While not claiming to be a complete account, the document emphasized consistent opposition to racism in the church's official teaching, including early papal condemnations of the enslavement of Latin American Indians.
In a subsequent newsletter several months later, the editors backed off their earlier condemnation, issuing a partial retraction:
(He can talk about evolution because his earlier condemnation of Darwin only referred to "the popular corruptions" of his teachings.)
However, controversy did not stop and many Eastern clerics rejected the term because of its earlier condemnation in the usage of Paul of Samosata.
Diop's early condemnation of European bias in his 1954 work Nations Negres et Culture, and in Evolution of the Negro World has been supported by later scholarship.
As the sections above have documented, his early condemnation of the Vietnamese war, and his anti-interventionist programs, had long made him a target of his party's right wing.
In her ruling today, Judge Patel did not back off her earlier condemnation of Napster.
Here several feet of her counter fell out when the copper was removed, bearing out Bland's earlier condemnation of her condition.