The very very early edits (January 2001), are lost forever.
This was an unforeseen consequence of the Restoration Team using earlier edits of these episodes, made before certain effects were added.
Episode 2 was an early edit with extra scenes and the "Delaware" arrangement of the theme tune.
However, The Box had actually shown an early edit of the video, and the finished version was shown on Channel 4's Popworld on 30 September 2006.
He acknowledged that some of the humour of this sole remaining contribution was lost through the earlier edits, but felt they were necessary to the overall pacing.
Wikipedia's earliest edits were long believed lost, since the original UseModWiki software deleted old data after about a month.
The album is proceeded by their first ever video for the track "Gloomy Daydreams" on an earlier edit, with Gus G. on Vocals.
In the early edit of "Arrival" released to DVD in 2007, the bars close long before the face arrives.
An early edit of "Arrival", released to DVD in 2007, does not include the POP animation.
For early edits of a film, informal test screenings are shown to small target audiences to judge if a film will require editing, reshooting or rewriting.