It was good to be riding free again in the sunlight, without the cold and storms of her earlier journey through the Hellers.
It was one whose southern edge I had skirted on my earlier journey.
On his earlier journey across the mountains Giles had looked out for landmarks - a waterfall, an old tree, a small lake.
On the earliest journeys of 1825, there wasn't such a thing as a station.
But he remembered very few details of that earlier journey.
Herzog's screenplay merged the 1560 expedition with the events of an earlier Amazonian journey in 1541-1542.
Richard has publicly spoken about the "significant role played by Crusader leaders in his early Christian journey."
The Brixton allocation was retained for some early and late journeys run off the N19.
They had strewn half the Galaxy with the discards of earlier journeys.
This was a far cry from the misery of their earlier journey on this same path.