The exact origins and extent of the early kingdoms are speculative.
Despite its focus on the history of the church, this work provides valuable information about the early Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
It is one of the earliest ancient kingdom in Indonesian history.
Cynllibiwg has been postulated as an early kingdom, but is not accepted as such by the great majority of historians.
It is possible it was an early kingdom or proto-kingdom, but the evidence is lacking.
Very little is known about the court music of earlier Korean kingdoms and dynasties.
Each Arrow represents one of the 5 early kingdoms of Spain.
In the heart of this early Frankish kingdom lay the region which, much later, was to be called Champagne.
It seems likely that, as in other early medieval kingdoms, there was room for only one queen at Charles's court.
This list does not include the earliest kingdoms, which were merely city states, except those that profoundly affected history.