Charles entered an early plea of guilty to conspiracy to rob, and was jailed for six years and nine months.
Mr. Gore's early pleas on the Balkans likewise went unheeded.
Joel Corey was charged with "making an obscene gesture" and subsequently accepted a $900 fine with an early plea.
Selwood entered an early plea and consequentially accepted a reprimand and 84 points towards his future record.
The proposal I'm making, a discount for an early plea, applies to every criminal offence in the book.
Russell Defreitas is being held after an earlier not guilty plea.
Deduction for an early plea Each addition or deduction is made to the final result of the previous calculation step.
The court clerk reads the charge and the offender reaffirms their earlier guilty plea to the community.
Top executives then conspired to lie to prosecutors and lawyers hired by the company about the practice of backdating, according to the earlier pleas.
I withdraw my earlier plea for an immediate betrothal.