This was to be expected if the joint groups had survived from an earlier, more widespread population.
While much of the early population was of Yankee stock, over the next 100 years numerous ethnic groups moved to the city.
English and German settlers constituted about ten percent of the early population.
Prehistoric remains are evidence of an original early native population.
The early populations eventually drained the lake, and built a number of settlements.
The railroad arrived in the 1880s and by the early 1920s the town's population had ballooned to 600 persons.
At the same time, the early enslaved African population was disproportionately male.
Local industry at the time consisted of those operations which were necessary to meet the needs of the early population.
The early population was mixed between whites and blacks, but white families began to leave around 1900.
They should enable scientists to understand the range of variation in the early human population of Europe.