No, since she does not mention a very big bowl of early tulips which would at once have attracted the attention of a flower lover.
Still, she went down, crushing some early tulips.
One of the curious things about the earlier tulips was the unusual mottled appearance of the flowers.
A small stack of books lay on a table next to a bowl of early tulips.
The daffodils and early tulips underlie it all with great aplomb.
Under the picture window of the living room the early tulips were in bloom, the yellow tips of their scarlet petals forming neat, scaltop-edged cups.
Triumph tulips and single early tulips like Apricot Beauty are good forcers, but require 14 to 16 weeks.
Sure enough, the deer, my mother-in-law told me, had been polite and ignored her early tulips.
The garden had been restored to its former pristine condition and was a blaze of daffodils and early tulips.
Many of the early wild tulips are called species tulips or botanicals in bulb catalogues, and they are sold to gardeners today.