She seldom goes out for early-bird dinners, preferring to cook for a few friends at home or to eat alone with a good book.
Long liberal hours and more than 30 entree choices make the early-bird dinners one of the Island's best buys.
Credit cards: All major cards (none accepted for early-bird dinners).
If my choices come with a whiff of sensible shoes and early-bird dinners, so be it.
The food is first-rate, the prices reasonable and the early-bird dinner worth looking into.
They are going to come out for the early-bird dinners in the evenings, but the base is what keeps the area going.
The $36 early-bird dinner is now $29, including three courses that could easily have cost twice that two months ago.
On Friday and Saturday the specials are limited to early-bird dinners.
There was still an hour to go until the early-bird dinner special.
Is it harassment when your mother nags you to hurry up and get dressed to go out for an early-bird dinner?