Ninety-three of 104 people indicted on drug charges were arrested in early-morning raids by 225 county and Hempstead police officers.
Since June last year, they have made 49 arrests, including five on Tuesday in early-morning raids in London and Dorset.
A MAJOR heroin dealing ring was believed smashed today after police made a series of early-morning raids in Liverpool.
The authorities said they picked up 52 of the defendants, including Mr. Hawkins and the police officers, in early-morning raids yesterday and were still seeking the others.
They said the early-morning raids followed a yearlong investigation of the group, known as the Supreme Team, and its accused leader, Gerald (Prince) Miller.
The early-morning raids resulted in 36 arrests; 13 of those arrested were not included in the indictment.
In an early-morning raid a year ago, the authorities found scores of emaciated, mange-infested dogs living in their own excrement.
On Sept. 25, thousands of soldiers and police officers poured through its gates in an early-morning raid.
The following month, Giuliani ordered an early-morning raid on the Thunderbolt, claiming that the coaster was in immediate danger of collapse and ordering it bulldozed.
In early-morning raids last Thursday, the police rounded up 24 suspects and later freed one of them, leaving 23 in custody under counterterrorism laws permitting 28-day detention without charge.