The station earns moderate ratings, despite its low advertisement output.
Citicorp's business with consumers earned $491 million, up 13 percent, despite the jump in credit card losses.
This was quickly answered with a wave from Irons that earned only a 4.0, despite a powerful cutback.
This led to Duback earning only three more caps, despite his excellent start with the national team.
However, the popular mayor earned a moderate victory despite tepid support from insiders.
Rod Beck earned his 46th save, despite a variety of physical ailments.
The Tornado earned a reputation for reliability and high performance, despite its somewhat hefty weight at 480 pounds.
Women earn 29% less than men, despite women having an average of one year more education.
Throughout high school, she earned straight A's, despite enormous distractions.
His successes in these campaigns earned him respect as an able field commander, despite his young age.