Nonetheless, the $1.46 that the bank earned per share disappointed analysts who had expected $1.56.
Singh's family grew up in poverty; his father, a truck driver for 35 years, earned roughly $25 per week.
As of March 2012, media earn monthly in average 1.1 eurocent per each visitor.
The team with the most points earned per game in games among those clubs.
For these visas, people in those countries have to pay roughly as much as they earn per month.
For fiscal 2002, the company estimated sales would total $1.53 billion, with earning per share of $1.37.
Traffic levels are also close to those projected, and the money it earns per passenger is ahead of its plan.
Workers whose jobs were privatized would "earn 30 per cent less, with many fewer benefits" than in the public sector.
Does either one of them need the $50 they might earn per professional tour?
And the company earned an estimated $185 per line in service last year, compared with an average of $165 for the seven regional companies.