The character later earns redemption by risking death in battle, just as Mr. Sherriff forgave himself for his fears after being wounded by 52 pieces of shrapnel.
Leontes earns redemption with 16 years of penitent grief, and the play rewards him by bringing Hermione back to life and returning to them their daughter, Perdita, also presumed dead.
And in the process, she earned redemption.
Feeling that Sam should hold fast to what little family she had, Ryan almost encouraged her to give her mother a chance to earn redemption.
Caroline had always felt deeply guilty about this and therefore felt that, by taking the blame for what she thought was Angela's crime, she could earn redemption.
Caroline, having earned redemption, went uncomplainingly to prison, where she died soon after.
But when that score was not enough, and the Gators instantly ran screaming into the French Quarter, they had been provided with a heartless sport's rarest commodity - a chance to earn redemption.
With 6 seconds left, PK James Wilhoit, who had missed a game-tying extra point earlier in the quarter, earned redemption by hitting a 50-yard field goal, giving his team a 30-28 victory.
I did not understand why Arren stabs his father, nor how and why he earned redemption.
Eventually Friedmaier is captured by the occupying forces, tortured and killed, but not before his silent suffering has earned him redemption.