He had not only prevailed in that conflict, but had earned enough public sympathy to be elected Bajor's first minister.
She, alone among the nobles who took part in the folly of the Fronde, earned respect and sympathy.
This earned him little sympathy in a country where, as laboring women can attest, pain is not a symptom.
She was able to earn his trust and sympathy by convincing him she enjoyed it.
Like most other athletes preparing for these championships, the appeal for him is not to earn sympathy.
This literary scandal earned much sympathy for Amner in its day.
They received jail terms of 12 years to life, but it only earned them public sympathy.
In so doing they would have earned not just public sympathy for their family's struggle but also an enduring share of public gratitude.
But surely, with so many modern marriages now ending in divorce, the Prince would probably earn public sympathy.
Though they earn money and sympathy from their neighbors, Brundibar steals their earnings.