So at least part of Thompson's salary was unrelated to compensation he earned while coaching.
He earned four monograms while a member of the Fighting Irish.
He earned a master's degree in history while a student at Tennessee.
He earned his first money while a schoolboy by reading electric meters.
At Yale University he earned a law degree while coaching football and boxing.
Wasn't Chavez earning $1.2 million while the challenger fought for chump change of only $200,000?
Just by the use of the head, earning your money while you're riding around with me.
According to census data, high school dropouts in the work force earn an average of $26,207, while workers with a professional degree average $127,499.
Still, the $400 class fee was a small price to pay for the chance to earn cajillions while baking cookies with the kids.
He earned the Silver Star for his valor and leadership while a prisoner of war.