They may be exposed to earnings shortfalls, but this is not a large, systemic economic threat.
The delay also increased the earnings shortfall projected by Airbus through 2010 to €4.8 billion.
An expected fourth-quarter earnings shortfall did hurt one company's stock yesterday.
Only a small part of an expected earnings shortfall during this quarter will be caused by trouble in Asia, the company said.
A week later, Interstate warned the public of a major earnings shortfall, and its stock sank 25 percent that day.
Moody's said "it was concerned about the impact a potential earnings shortfall would have on the utility's credit quality."
Now they see dozens of companies actually reporting earnings shortfalls.
The company said the earnings shortfall was caused by falling sales, delays in developing some foreign software and higher costs.
The first sign of trouble will be an earnings shortfall followed by more warnings.
Another 45 percent said an actual earnings shortfall was the reason.