The animal let out an earsplitting scream and fell heavily forward, impaled by some kind of long-shafted pole-arm.
At which point a rasping, earsplitting scream shattered the stillness of fairway six.
As such, she had the ability to generate a high-pitched, earsplitting, earth-shattering supersonic scream of great volume and for a variety of effects.
She let out an earsplitting scream.
She gave an earsplitting scream, and I winced.
From somewhere up in front of them came a crashing and the most dreadful earsplitting screams and yells.
The rat let out an earsplitting scream as he went down.
Almost as an afterthought, she cut a casual glance toward Robin, then abruptly, a quick, earsplitting scream tore through the room.
Even the earsplitting scream of the Catawba's siren failed to draw a response.
He fell with an earsplitting scream.