They will not let the earth even lie wormy and sodden.
According to tribal myth, in the distant past before creation, they sky was on the top and the earth lies far below covered by the sea.
Beyond the hard-packed barnyard earth lies a recently mown lawn.
From these considerations then it is clear that the earth does not move and does not lie elsewhere than at the centre.
But she knew that the earth had not lied.
Above the earth lies a series of skies.
At least the desert would not equivocate: earth, stone, light, did not lie.
Heavy warm air has pushed up from the Gulf, but the earth has memories of winter and lies cold and sopping wet from dew.
The earth, argued Ptolemy, lies at the centre of the celestial sphere.
And to believe perhaps that the dead soul could be reached somehow, that beyond this earth lies a realm of eternity.