This thing is of an earthly origin.
The passengers include many innocent schoolchildren, who have been born aboard ship and have lost all touch with their ancestral earthly origins.
After eliminating every conceivable source of interference, they concluded that the radiation source was not of earthly origin.
Let us further assert that it has no earthly origin.
It proposes that extraterrestrial beings are actually mysterious and secretive races of earthly origin.
However, in 2009, new analyses ruled out earthly and non-biological origins, presenting strong evidence of life on Mars.
But despite the trimmings, the rice in these recipes is never far from its earthly origins.
Instead, he writes "but it would be tedious to insert in this account in what line of earthly origin she was descended.
Then, untainted by earthly ties, or energies of earthly origins, they will rise and fill themselves with the might of the Cosmos.
Espinoza had been right: it was difficult to remember Audrea's earthly origin.