Tonga had brought all his earthly possessions with him, his arms and his gods.
Hope died in 1855 and bequeathed all his earthly possessions, including the Hôtel to an English friend who went on to sell everything.
He turned his back on his earthly possessions and laid his face toward the wall.
He'll swear that I directed him to sell all my earthly possessions as soon as I've gone to sleep.
It's with all my earthly possessions stuffed in saddlebags.
His roots, his earthly possessions, were all downstairs in the booking-office.
She was forced to give away all of her earthly possessions.
I piled my shopping cart high with earthly possessions.
His earthly possessions consisted of a horse given him by his brother-in-law.
The importance of these earthly possessions are then used to establish this dead king's greatness in respect to the treasure.