I was not yet proficient with all the weapons, but my great familiarity with similar earthly weapons made me an unusually apt pupil, and I progressed in a very satisfactory manner.
She had no fear of mundane, earthly weapons.
However, when Ryo and the Jabberwock merged with Black Alice, White Alice offered Takeshi his choice of one of many weapons, all of which would give him more power than any earthly weapon.
No earthly or celestial weapon can kill them if they are allowed to hold onto one another.
And anyway, these millennial demons are a particularly clumsy lot, far less canny and elegant than, say, Rosemary's Baby 's John Cassavetes, whose earthly weapon of choice was spiked chocolate mousse.
He stalked through the world as a god, for no earthly weapon could harm him, and to him a century was like an hour.
He was galvanized by the fact that his enemies had resorted to earthly weapons.
No earthly weapon could injure a being of such bulk and nature; for even a cadaver of normal size, reared up in this fashion, could be shot full of arrows or transfixed by a dozen pikes without retarding its progress.
Would earthly weapons be of any use to them?