Enormous steaming portions of earthy dishes heaped onto big oval platters are par for the course there.
This well-run, clean cafe, with its quick service, moderate prices and earthy authentic Greek dishes, sometimes has diners waiting for tables.
This casual eating, plus the earthy dishes, enveloping atmosphere and barroom camaraderie, provide a spirit of festive fun.
Older, more mellow Chardonnays are often paired with more "earthy" dishes like mushroom soup and aged cheese.
Polonez offers earthy, invigorating dishes that give serious eaters, especially adventurous ones, a reason to drive to Riverhead.
The chorizo and chipotle add just the right smoky notes to this spicy, earthy dish.
I combine them here and cook them together briefly for this rich, earthy, comforting main dish.
Home cooking with robust earthy dishes, and slow-cooked foods like cassoulet are typical.
The result is an earthy, heartwarming dish that could be served as a meal in itself.
La Viola has revived some earthy Italian dishes long since discarded by many restaurants because of the time they take to prepare.