A combative speaker with an earthy style, the 52-year-old Senator is a self-described populist with just the right sort of resume to suit his politics.
But although she showed she could have hits in an earthier style, she never became comfortable singing with hard-rock rhythm.
He became prominent in the early 1960s, establishing himself on the West Coast as a folk singer with an earthy style and powerful voice.
Koreans developed an earthy artistic style.
Korean food has a distinct spiciness and an earthy style.
And most Mexicans have applauded his bold ideas, charisma and earthy presidential style.
His earthy, austere political style made ordinary Mexicans feel he understood their problems.
With his independent, earthy and instinctual style, he was't always happy within the confines of the editorial offices.
Richa's exuberance and earthy style of hosting the show attracted a lot of attention.
It is characterised by generously curving figures of both men and women and an earthy satirical style.