This dry, earthy wine was terrifically balanced, tasting of both fruit and oak, but not too much of either.
In these regions the grape is known as Spanna and tends to produce lighter more earthier wines.
This was an earthy, floral wine with complex, balanced flavors that really allow you to appreciate the quality of the mencía grape.
It makes an earthier wine than the spatburgunder, which can be quite elegant.
The latter, a 1994 Robert Pepi ($25), made from Italy's principal red grape, is an impressive, earthy, expansive wine with generous flavors.
If wine is served, select a robust, earthy red wine.
Morgon - Produces earthy wines that can take on a Burgundian character of silky texture after five years aging.
Napa people make elegant cabernet sauvignon, while Sonomans prefer earthier, more accessible wines like pinot noir and zinfandel.
A merlot Parducci (1983) at $18 was an earthy wine with fine finish and good texture.
Are they earthy wines that speak of their soil and region, or are they airy wines that can transport you anywhere?