These styles were all familiar enough to be easily assimilated, and yet they had a fresh look.
The work of almost everyone in this show can be easily assimilated, even if comprehension is deferred.
The second generation assimilated easily and quickly as described by the Melting pot phenomenon.
But the spiritual aspect of chanoyu is not easily assimilated.
The film's symbolic gestures are easily assimilated into its spare, fluid style.
This education begins from age three, and exists to maximize the periods of a child's development in which a child easily assimilates determined learning.
They were highly educated, often spoke English and were easily assimilated.
This may make it difficult for Asian Americans to assimilate easily into American culture.
One of his findings was that pigments can only be easily assimilated by living organisms if they are in granular form.
Many Armenians were prosperous, educated and easily assimilated into American life.