These distinctions are necessarily very loose and easily blurred when actual diagnosis is attempted.
A recent case of a man whose brother-in-law said he helped him commit assisted suicide, they say, shows that the line between assisted suicide and euthanasia is easily blurred.
The line between strategy and tactics is not easily blurred, although deciding which is being discussed had sometimes been a matter of personal judgement by some commentators, and military historians.
In today's tell-all climate, it's not surprising that the distinction between a private life and one pried into on prime time is easily blurred.
When it comes to things space age, the line between reality and its various representations has long been easily blurred.
They are also subjects in which the line between description and prescription is easily blurred.
The music, composed by Stew and Heidi Rodewald (who also plays bass), is straight-ahead guitar-driven rock rather than rhythm and blues (though of course the line between them is easily blurred).
There is a difference between architecture and propaganda, even if Washington is a city where the distinction is easily blurred.
The distinction between right and wrong is easily blurred when you get into really complex moral issues.
The line between play and reality is easily blurred.