Other techniques such as adding an interfering signal to the video or audio began to be used as the simple filter solutions were easily bypassed.
The Web of the Chozen They were the big kind, the construction kind, not easily bypassed.
And if you absolutely can't bear the thought, the room of video games (each historically important) is off the beaten trail and can be bypassed easily.
The 40-hour-week is however easily bypassed by overtime.
It had magnetic alarms but they were easily bypassed.
The walls were easily bypassed or pushed aside.
One of the others could be bypassed easily.
The rifle companies to the north-east provided the only protection, yet there were large gaps between these positions and they could be easily bypassed.
(Security experts consider this to be easily bypassed with modern technology and some knowledge of how wireless traffic is detected by software).
Also included is a basic form of data hiding by name mangling, though this is easily bypassed.