First, the composite index provides a holistic measure that is easily comparable to GDP.
Raw running times would be easily comparable wherever they were achieved.
Our accident record is good when judged against that of virtually every other country, and certainly against that of easily comparable European countries.
That was the hardest rain imaginable and this was easily comparable.
By making prices easily comparable among countries, they contend, the euro forces companies to even out price discrepancies and adopt more competitive prices.
The bill calls on the Securities and Exchange Commission to come up with a way to report fund trading costs in an easily comparable format.
Catalogue retailers may do well, however, since the single currency will make their prices easily comparable with local shops throughout Europe.
Statistics are poor and not easily comparable, but those which do exist show stark contrasts in conditions between different education authorities.
People not only compare things, but also compare things that are easily comparable.
The numerical FDI figures based on varied definitions are not easily comparable.