But these same cameras can be easily configured to capture images in the millions of fps, though with significantly reduced resolution.
Hemp systems can be easily configured for spot rigging, where lift lines must be frequently relocated.
Together with the package mobile-broadband-provider-info the connection is easily configured.
Data center modules are pre-engineered, standardized building blocks that can be easily configured and moved as needed.
The hybrid power plant is a complete electrical power supply system that can be easily configured to meet a broad range of remote power needs.
Each panel can be easily configured to show information about the other panel, a directory tree, or a number of other options.
Apps can be easily configured and adjusted using the graphical user interface to different applications.
With their low freeboard and wide flat deck, they were easily configured for a variety of purposes.
The server is configured easily with a utility.
It was also easily configured to serve a variety of special purposes, from minelaying to convoy escort.