Eastern European currencies are not easily convertible into dollars or yen or marks.
There is a sliding door only on the right, for example, and the seats are not easily convertible or removable.
A strong, easily convertible ruble, in turn, attracts foreign investment, encourages exports and makes imports easier to purchase.
Italy is making buildings that are easily convertible to military use, and building up the civil population to support a mass takeover...
China announced today that it would take a series of steps in coming months to make its currency, the yuan, more easily convertible.
Anthrax has long been regarded as easily convertible to military use, which would violate a 1972 international convention banning the possession of biological weapons.
More than one-fifth of those holdings were said by executives at the firm to be liquid, or easily convertible into cash.
The cards used to access the teller machines are easily convertible to debit cards that might be accepted by merchants.
The rooms should be nice, but easily convertible to post-Games use.
They even changed the design of R.A.F uniforms to make them easily convertible into civilian clothes.