He's quick and as deadly as he is ill-tempered, but Bill easily disarmed him.
Mason sees his chance to escape custody and easily disarms Goodspeed.
Often his mind would wander and his opponent would easily disarm him.
At the latter meeting, of the party Central Committee, he easily disarmed the old-line critics, by all accounts.
Powell easily disarms him and then reads his mind.
32 Weren't we easily disarming Saddam of unconventional weapons a couple paragraphs back?
He had piercing blue eyes, and he easily disarmed jewelry store employees with his easy chatter about shopping for an engagement ring.
She is also an efficient hand-to-hand fighter, often easily disarming armed men with a kick.
Even when wires were properly concealed, he said, professional car thieves who account for the great majority of stolen cars easily disarmed them.
The doctrine of freedom, however, with its own rich communitarian heritage, can easily disarm and even co-opt such arguments.