Then he addressed the man from the Eastern Bloc: "Such misgivings can be easily dispelled with a little logic.
But they were easily dispelled.
The fear of the backstreet abortionist is easily dispelled by teaching women how to properly use the numerous contraception options available to them - or just say "no".
Even though is easily dispelled upon impact, Teana takes pride that her illusions are completely indistinctible to the naked eye or to simple sensors.
She would lie there hardly daring to breathe because the images, however clearly conjured up, were so sensitive, so easily dispelled.
The old taboos of the jong's daughter are not to be easily dispelled, but she talked with Taman on the flight to Sanara, asking him many questions.
Radon seeping into homes is easily dispelled by increasing ventilation, but more extensive measures must be taken if contamination is in the walls and foundation of a structure.
Negative sexual images are not easily dispelled by openly challenging them.
For the truth is that the economic discontent will not be easily dispelled.
This concern, like species mixing, is easily dispelled.