The store, offering everything from prepared salads to 50-pound bags of sugar, easily dwarfs any other supermarket in Manhattan.
"This man is possibly the oldest living person, and his knowledge of Queendom technology is unsurpassed, easily dwarfing my own."
Their list of disabled players easily dwarfs the Phillies' list.
Measuring 896 kilometers along its longest axis and 415 kilometers in diameter, BMIII easily dwarfs the 70 kilometer-long Eltreum-class warship.
Indeed, the magnitude of the changes could easily dwarf the conservation efforts of the early 1970's sparked by the oil embargo.
But the fires can easily dwarf the resources.
About 10.6 million viewers watched the show, easily dwarfing the previous high for the series of 7.7 million.
The Boxer is an eight-wheeled MRAV, easily dwarfing most contemporary vehicles with its size.
But in New York City, the sheer scale of the task easily dwarfs that of Wisconsin.
Across this yard rose the high-peaked golden thatch of the king's hall: a massive barn of a building, easily dwarfing all surrounding it, made of oak beams and stone infill.