This war will not end easily and I fear the dreadful battles that are sure to come.
That same year the school system announced its intent to make City College coeducational; however, the all-male tradition did not end easily.
Herilak waited until he saw that it would not end easily, then shouted them into silence.
If a war were to end quickly and easily, however, the situation could be the reverse.
At its extreme, this power can easily end one's life.
I don't know if she was right, but for sure, accusing someone of "getting all umbrella" could easily end in a fight.
Though the Blackstone rejoinder was higher than expected, it seemed almost inevitable that the contest would not end easily.
Buck made Willard's fly seem so Ruthian that it would easily end the game.
To attempt to rescue two of you is may easily end in disaster for us all.
He tried to think, to imagine some means of escape, resolving that his life would not end easily.