The terra cotta process and its finish are easily faked.
Searched YouTube, found a lot of videos showing how they supposedly cracked WPA by using a few Linux commands, but a video is easily faked.
Email accounts can often contain useful evidence; but email headers are easily faked and, so, network forensics may be used to prove the exact origin of incriminating material.
Gibberish is easily faked," a lead heckler was bawling.
She said that while Chagalls are easily faked, she believed this one was real and added that she was surprised that it had not been damaged.
Nor, experts said, is the emotion is easily faked.
Testimonials can be easily faked, bought, ghostwritten and edited.
Because amnesia is easily faked.
Finally, multiple choice items do not test a test taker's attitudes towards learning because correct responses can be easily faked.
The matter of the telegrams was simple; they could have been easily faked.