It is a very complex species which easily hybridizes, resulting in numerous hybrids and cultivars brought into horticulture since the 1990s.
There are several varieties of this particular species, and it also hybridizes easily with other prickly pears, making identification sometimes tricky.
It is a very variable species and hybridizes easily with other similar Aloes, sometimes making it difficult to identify.
They hybridize easily, and the progeny often grow faster than either parent].
Various species hybridize easily between them and hybrid plants are difficult to identify.
Different species hybridize easily, and this has been used in the development of the wide range of garden roses.
Several species easily hybridize with each other as well, making identification difficult.
Also, they hybridize easily with each other.
In addition, it easily hybridizes with other Rumex.
This plant may be variable in appearance because it hybridizes easily with similar species.