And these things were easily changed, easily imitated.
That said, he also says he shuns violence that is easily imitated: there are no guns or knives.
Its nocturnal habits and eerie, easily imitated call, have led to a mythical association of the Tawny with bad luck and death.
Spike's forced rasp could be easily imitated: and The Shadow had learned enough of the situation to carry through the pretense.
It has a rather strange, but easily imitated, call.
They are easily imitated and winning provides the child with a sense of satisfaction and power.
Are you saying someone could have easily imitated it on the phone?
I did not say it is easy, or easily imitated.
His French accent, offered in a deep, gravelly voice coarsened by years of cigarette smoking, was easily imitated.
Since then, the easily imitated ads have inspired knockoffs on YouTube.