Other sources have identified many species of Aspergillus as producing dry, hydrophobic spores that are easily inhaled by humans and animals.
The bacterium, which is easily inhaled, already infects much of the world's population and kills three million people a year in the less developed world.
They can be easily inhaled without the person knowing.
These products become airborne, where they are easily inhaled into your lungs.
A sneeze does the job nicely, releasing a shotgun spray of virus-laden mucus droplets that are easily inhaled by anyone nearby.
Pediatricians generally prefer cornstarch to talc because it is unlikely to be easily inhaled.
When mold is growing on a surface, spores can be released into the air where they can be easily inhaled.
It is non-fibrous and is not easily inhaled into the lungs.
For 70 years, we put a known toxin, one especially harmful to children, into hundreds of millions of machines, which turned it into a fine aerosol, easily inhaled.
Lead pollution from engine exhaust is dispersed into the air and into the vicinity of roads and easily inhaled.