However, on further consideration they realized that the British fleet could easily maneuver around the town and isolate the garrison.
But the gravity on the planet surface was only about two g. They would be able to maneuver almost as easily as in regular atmosphere.
On the road, the Endeavor pulled away from stoplights swiftly and maneuvered easily in city traffic.
Finding the door unlocked, Cliff easily maneuvered into the listening post.
The shuttle maneuvered easily around the larger ship, avoiding direct fire.
He easily maneuvered the craft out of the level meadow and was soon headed for the Swift commercial field.
Despite the rakish angle of the coffin, it maneuvered easily down the steps.
However, it became apparent that in some areas the steepness of the road was more than the locomotives could easily maneuver.
He saw the MV-22 climb and start toward him, maneuvering easily over the transmission lines.
The birds, they realized, were able to maneuver easily at the higher elevations, where the walls broadened.