Those results easily outclassed all other competing cars in any capacity.
As a human, he was easily outclassed by any of the Vulcanoid races.
Theo fights bravely against him but he is easily outclassed.
In her first match of the year she easily outclassed Marina Erakovic 6-2 6-2.
With the Fifth Symphony, the choice between Bernstein versions is far clearer: the new performance easily outclasses the old.
Also ordinary is the seafood bisque, which is easily outclassed by a standard potato leek soup of the day.
Made in the classic methode champenoise, it is a rich, elegant wine that easily outclasses many supermarket Champagnes.
Ragged and off-key at times, they are easily outclassed when they sit in with the seasoned musicians at other churches.
Siedler would earn two wins on his way to 6th in the championship easily outclassing Provenzano and Caliendo.
Ramadhir is easily outclassed by Faizal.