They possessed fast ships, which easily outmaneuvered the ships of the Hanse.
And in any event, private businesses can help keep China's economy from domination by foreign firms, which are expected to easily outmaneuver the country's cumbersome state enterprises.
Both Ravens and Peregrine Falcons appear to easily outmaneuver Golden Eagles in flight.
Seaton, however, easily outmaneuvered the local forces, and the rebels fled in disorder, losing eight guns and about a hundred men.
The Hurricane pilots soon discovered that the Italian biplanes could easily outmaneuver their aircraft.
They were, however, easily outmaneuvered by smaller vessels.
The goal is to gain advantage over another player without reciprocation; opponents slow down or stop moving, allowing the lag switch user to easily outmaneuver them.
She had found the physicists intelligent, prone to outrage-but also politically naive and easily outmaneuvered.
British soldiers, using advanced muskets and artillery, easily outmaneuvered and outgunned Qing forces in ground battles.
But the 25-year-old revolutionary lacked political sophistication and a flair for self-publicity, and Castro easily outmaneuvered him.