The man and his sarcasm were easily outnumbered by buyers several hundred to one.
The working poor - that enormous cohort - are easily outnumbered by America's broad middle class.
The population is two-thirds smaller now, with whites easily outnumbering blacks.
In the stadium, curses easily outnumbered that phrase by 10 to 1.
The peril is that older viewers, who easily outnumber young audiences, will feel left out.
They were outnumbered easily by ten to one.
Nightstick in hand, he had tried to reason with the crowd, but he was easily outnumbered.
There was no way they could return, and they easily outnumbered the Egyptian patrols.
There were also a number of men wearing the I-defiled-my-race placard, but the women easily outnumber them 7 or 8 to 1.
The military and science groups easily outnumbered Sir Traffin's supporters.