The children always easily outwit the Ebu Gogo in the tales.
Though a gardener may have good intentions to keep the plants under control, the aggressive growth habits of certain varieties can easily outwit the most careful cultivator.
Pisthetaerus easily outwits Heracles, who in turn bullies the barbarian god into submission, and Poseidon is thus outvoted - the delegation accepts Pisthetaerus's terms.
Bugs easily outwits the incompetent guard (who's actually "Mugsy", previously seen in Bugs and Thugs) and causes him to hit Napoleon with a bayonet.
Riot-police are the attack-dogs of authority Easily outwitted therefore by peaceful craft and subtlety.....
But he soon led X-ray laser opposition, arguing that an enemy could easily outwit the exotic weapon.
Slappy Squirrel is an aged cartoon star that would easily outwit antagonists and educate her nephew, Skippy Squirrel, about cartoon techniques.
Shade is clever and resourceful, easily outwitting Goth on more than one occasion.
In style that was becoming typical of the Bugs character, he easily outwitted and tormented his antagonist through the short, his only concern being what to do next to the dog.
The upshot, he says, is that any real attacker - no matter how inexperienced - would be able to easily outwit the weapon.