A man who could easily overpower any woman if he chose.
Character A's friends fight to free her of the dark influence, but are easily overpowered.
He could easily overpower both her and Pedro with his thumb.
The four soldiers then try to take Tex on all at once, but are easily overpowered.
Korfuzzier was a huge man, however, and not easily overpowered.
However, the Fang members easily overpowered her, leading to their first victory.
However, they were easily overpowered by Ai and were nearly killed.
Yousaf easily overpowered him and looked up at the emperor to see what he wanted.
Created with the ultimate technology the Lemurians had, it can easily overpower a large power plant.
On his way back, he was ambushed by Vegeta who easily overpowered him.