Council members said they expect to easily override the veto.
Legislators said that a veto would likely be overridden easily.
Both bills passed by huge majorities that could easily override a veto.
The House easily overrode the veto on Wednesday, 327 to 93.
'Ladies and gentlemen,' he said, his voice easily overriding the hum of conversation.
The Speaker's aides said the Council, which passed the bill last month, 42 to 5, would easily override the veto in the next few weeks.
The versioning behavior is easily overridden if it is unwanted.
If legislators vote as they did for the moratorium, they will easily override any veto.
Any dry or awkward spots are easily overridden by your feelings of suspense and good will for the people onstage.
But his veto was easily overridden, proving a Washington rule: never stand between a member of Congress and asphalt.