During the set, hip-shaking easily overshadowed devoutness, in songs that found a dozen different ways to make dancing irresistible.
By the time "Dove Sono" came around, the bit of tension that remained in her voice was easily overshadowed by a smooth, dark timbre and a touching characterization.
With her unassuming manner, Ms. Ryan is easily overshadowed by the Governor when, always seated side by side, they field questions from the citizens of New York.
The film's analytical and biographical aspects are regrettably shallow and are easily overshadowed by the raw specifics of Tom's erotic art.
And sometimes the actresses' peers are not easily overshadowed.
The challenge inherent in this project is that the commonality of the shared psalm texts is easily overshadowed by the huge musical differences.
However, Mac sales and revenue were easily overshadowed by sales and revenue from Apple's growing mobile ecosystem.
(A gun also makes its way onto the plane, but this was easily overshadowed by the specter of the WMD.)
Here, marbled archways and the obligatory chandeliers are easily overshadowed by magnificent frescoed ceilings.
But their efforts were easily overshadowed by the barrage of coverage trumpeting the radical, polarizing views of a few while disregarding the less inflammatory thoughts of the moderate mainstream.