Judge Terry Hatter of Federal District Court, in rejecting the request of the dentist, Dr. Howard M. Stein, for a temporary restraining order to block the broadcast, said the public's interest in being informed "cannot be easily overturned."
Some of Khrushchev's agricultural projects were also easily overturned.
However, the observations made by Kepler, using Brahe's data, became a problem not easily overturned for geocentrists.
The slender shells are fragile and easily overturned; accordingly, sculling requires balance, agility and a sense of adventure.
Example, fastest KO on record should have been easily overturned by use of the IR.
"Given the traditional resourcefulness of the Japanese, this is a problem that can be easily overturned."
He will warn Microsoft that Judge Jackson's finding of facts will not be easily overturned by the conservatives on the appeals court and that Microsoft bears an enormous risk by refusing to settle now.
This argument has weight, but is easily overturned.
Time after time they surfaced all around me and although any one of them, even the smallest calf, could have easily overturned the dinghy, they avoided touching it.
Representative Edward Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat on the committee, said the F.C.C.'s assessments would have been easily overturned in court, while actual legislation would insure that the fees were collected.