He reminded himself that Cassie wasn't like his other women, demanding attention, desiring to occupy center stage, easily placated by money and promises.
In the final poem of the first book of Epistles, he revealed himself to be forty-four years old in the consulship of Lollius and Lepidus i.e. 21 BC, and "of small stature, fond of the sun, prematurely grey, quick-tempered but easily placated".
The little people are sad and easily placated; they are old and common monsters, they have always lived in the mountains and the valleys of Ireland and Scotland; they will be here when men are gone.
"They want to see how serious you are, whether you can be placated easily."
Residents Not Easily Placated Mr. Wilson said that the law tied his hands.
He didn't seem the sort of deity easily placated.
It was clear that she wasn't going to be placated easily.