Subsequently Bettino Craxi (PSI) easily reclaimed for himself the post of Prime Minister, at the head of a 'Pentapartito'.
The St. Louis-based company easily reclaimed the top position it last held in the fiscal year 1983, surpassing the General Electric Company and the McDonnell Douglas Corporation by more than $1 billion in contracts.
The Thais, well equipped and slightly outnumbering the French forces, easily reclaimed Laos.
But Mrs. Whitman can easily reclaim much of her standing in January when she will have three chances to outline her hopes for a second term in her inaugural address, her annual State of the State speech to the Legislature, and her fifth state budget.
However, in 1635, the French mounted a small expedition and easily reclaimed the settlement.
If you did not like the work, with your wealth, you could easily reclaim your deposit.
In the 1975 Ontario election, New Democrat Michael Breaugh easily reclaimed the seat.
Yolanda Garcia, president of We Stay/Nos Que Damos, a group that is working with city agencies to design Melrose Commons, said she believed that the new site would provide the casita with a more permanent space that the city cannot easily reclaim.
On Nov. 7, Mr. Espada easily reclaimed a seat in the State Senate.
Kinchawn will easily reclaim power.