Chapter Seven Sallie came awake slowly, too comfortable and content to easily relinquish her hold on slumber.
The only obstacle to that was that neither organization was one to relinquish easily what it desired.
Nakajima was not easily relinquishing his hold on life.
This body would not easily relinquish the spirit it bore.
Every family has assigned roles, which members cannot easily relinquish.
In addition few people believed that FDP officers could easily relinquish their former role.
But others are skeptical that chaebol leaders will easily relinquish their control.
These saw their path to the top ranks as being blocked by the conservative elders who would not easily relinquish control.
According to Martin, this is because of the enormous odds Chrétien overcame in order to become Prime Minister, so he will not easily relinquish power.
Pashtuns won't easily relinquish two centuries of memory and power.